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Lindsay Power

总浏览: 1427

阿德莱德, 南澳大利亚

83 Fullarton Road, Kent Town, SA 5067

Adelaide Business Agents


Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestment


Adelaide Business Agents [ a division of PowerABA] has been actively involved in business salests) since 1991 and during that time has established itself as a leading provider of quality, effective and professional services to both the public and private sectors.
Our longevity in the industry means not only do we have industry leading knowledge and experience, but also our long-term success carries real meaning and peace of mind.
Our expert knowledge, experience and uncomprising stands of service and ethics (regarding our clients and customers alike), make us the business broking service of choice to many of South Australians. The fact that many of our clients and customers “return to us” – whether buying or selling is also a testament to our commitment in providing these services.
We provide a unique range of services to many clients (including migrants) in different sectors and industries, including
• Healthcare
o Dental, Pharmacy, Allied, Alternative
• Childcare
• Wholesale Manufacturing and Distribution
• Professional
• Services
• Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure, and Licenced Premises
o Hotels, Motels, Caravan Parks, Parks, Liquor Stores, Cafes, Restaurants*
• Franchising & Licencing
• Retail – Food & General
• … and Commercial / Industrial property
We operate in a niche market to provide efficient, effective service where professionalism, technical expertise and achieving the client “goals – needs” are paramount.
By understanding & responding to the specific needs of our clients, we ensure that we are consistently take care of every single detail to achieve the results that our clients deserve & expect.
We know that when you choose and appoint this firm, you are trusting us with your business.

Email admin@poweraba.com.au
Phone (+61) 0417 859 190
Website www.adelaidebusinessagents.com.au
RLA 65455

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