This Subway franchise is located in a strip shopping centre on the busy Pacific Highway.
Features include:
NEW Lease - being negotiated!
Rent is $3,827 per month
NO outgoings
NO Rental Bond / Guarantee i
Store will need to be remodelled within 6 - 12 months of settlement (approx cast is in the vicinity of $150,000 tbc)
Business was established recently in 2002
New 20 year Franchise Term
Estimated Turnover FY2024 was $700,000
Trading Hours - Mon - Sat 7.00am - 9.00pm, Sat - Sun 8.00am - 8.00pm (Possible to extend)
Potential return to an owner operator is approximately $110,000 (FY 2024)
SAV is approximately $7,000
For more information, please contact:
Reg Butler Glenn Robertson
0438 189 657 0408 449 747